The Giant Panda
The giant panda, called panda, is the ________ member of the RARE bear family. Pandas live in forests high in the mountains of southwest China, where they survive almost entirely on bamboo.
Pandas eat a lot. They spend about 12 hours a day doing it because they digest only about a ________ of what they eat. Besides, bamboo is not very nutritious.
With its distinctive black and white coat, the giant panda is considered a national treasure of China. This bear also has a special significance for leading global conservation organization because it ________ their logo since 1961.
Embarrassing Incident
I grew up in New-York City, so I had no opportunity of learning to 22 swim. After graduating from high school, I ________ to spend a day with my friend on board his father’s boat in Sheepshead bay.
We had lunch and then started to play Frisbee in the ocean. Suddenly I stepped off an underwater ledge and fell in over my head. I panicked and swallowed some water. Luckily, a lifeguard ended up towing me ten ________ towards the shore where I could just walk out.
I felt embarrassed being the only one of my friends not knowing how to swim. After that incident, I could only swim in pools. Sometimes I wish I ________ swimming as a child.