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Английский язык

Задача по теме: "Описание графиков и круговых диаграмм"

Английский язык
Задание 38 Описание графиков и круговых диаграмм
За подсказку ты получишь лишь половину баллов
Вербицкая М.В. Английский язык единый государственный экзамен. — Москва: Издательство "Национальное образование", 2024. — 368 с. Материалы публикуются в учебных целях

Imagine that you are doing a project on the most popular animals in Zetland's zoo. You have found some data on the subject - the results of a survey (see the table below).

Comment on the survey data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project. 


The survey question: What animals do children want to visit in the zoo?  

Zoo animals 

 Number of respondents (%)



Polar bears 










Write 200-250 words. 


Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2–3 facts;

— make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that can arise with animals being held in captivity and suggest a way of solving it;   

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on having wild animals as pets.      



The aim of my project is to find out the most popular animals in Zetland's zoo. As part of my project, I have found a table with some results of a survey, and in this essay I will describe the data and express my opinion on the subject of the project.  
According to the data, the respondents were asked, “What animals do children want to visit in the zoo?”. The two most popular responses to this question are monkeys and polar bears, at 43% and 31% respectively. Elephants come third with 19% of the vote, and giraffes and penguins rank the lowest, constituting 10% and 7% respectively.    
Interestingly, the figure for monkeys is more than four times as high as the figure for giraffes (43% and 10% respectively). I think this is probably because monkeys are very playful animals and often interact with visitors, which children like, while giraffes can just be watched.  
Regrettably, there can be some problems with animals being held in captivity. One of them is the restriction of their natural behaviors and environments. Animals in captivity often face limited space and inability to engage in instinctual activities such as hunting or socializing. This can lead to physical and psychological distress, impacting their overall well-being. This problem can be solved by promoting responsible ecotourism and wildlife sanctuaries that prioritize animal welfare. It can provide a more ethical alternative to traditional forms of captivity. 
In conclusion, I firmly believe that having wild animals as pets is generally not appropriate or advisable. Wild animals have complex needs and instincts that are difficult to meet in a domestic setting.  

На экзамене это задание принесло бы тебе 2/2 баллов.

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