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Английский язык

Задача по теме: "Понимание основного содержания текста"

Английский язык
Задание 10 Понимание основного содержания текста
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Вербицкая М.В. Английский язык единый государственный экзамен. — Москва: Издательство "Национальное образование", 2023. — 368 с. Материалы публикуются в учебных целях

текст 10.14

  1. Inside northern England’s Alnwick Garden lies a curious, highly-guarded area where the last thing a visitor will want to do is tiptoe through the tulips. Surrounded by a heavy iron fence, the Poison Garden showcases over 100 of the world’s most deadly plants. In addition to not touching the plants, tourists are also advised to avoid even smelling the plants, as the fumes from certain plants have caused a few visitors to faint.


  1. A rain garden is an attractive landscaped area placed in a lawn to take advantage of large amounts of rainwater. Rain gardens slow the movement of rainwater, allowing the nutrients contained in rainwater to soak back into the soil, and prevent soil erosion. Not only do these garden areas provide a lot of benefits for a garden, attracting birds, butterflies and bees, they are also very beautiful. 


  1. During World War II, the U.S. government encouraged citizens to grow their own fruit and vegetables in “victory gardens” to help to prevent a food shortage, as much of the nation’s food supply was diverted to the military. The United States was home to approximately 20 million victory gardens in the early 1940s, and it is estimated that these gardens accounted for 30 to 40 % of all vegetables in the U.S. 


  1. Urban agriculture is a broad term that refers to agricultural practice taking place in a densely populated area, such as towns or large suburbs. Although urban agriculture typically does not occur on the same large scale as rural agriculture, it includes the same variety of activities. For example, a person who lives in a town and keeps a chicken coop in his or her front lawn is taking part in urban agriculture.


  1. The rose is the most popular flower in the U.S. and in the world, according to the National Gardening Association. It is grown all over the world, and it is the most popular flower given as a gift. Flower experts speculate thet the rose’s popularity stems from its wide variety of colours, sizes and fragrances. It is used to symbolize love, beauty, war, peace and politics. There are approximately 150 rose species in the world.


  1. When the tulip was imported to Holland from Turkey in the late 16th century, the Dutch enthusiasm for the flower caused a dramatic price inflation that crashed in the end. It created an economic depression that had a long-lasting impact on the Dutch economy during the 17th century. Prices for tulips had become so great that a single bulb could sell for more than a working-class person would take home in a year.


  1. People need to eat, and agriculture provides almost all of the food people demand. It also allows a small group of people to produce enough food for many more. Through the years, agriculture has become more and more efficient, and only a small percentage of the world’s population works in the agricultural sector. Hybrid seeds and selective breeding mean that modern yields are far larger than ever before. 

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.   


1. Farming in a city        

2. A fortune for a flower 

3. Useful garden space  

4. Development of farming 

5. A dangerous garden 

6. A popular indoor plant     

7. National strategy  

8. The globe’s favourite flower 



Правильный ответ - 5371824              


Текст A - 5. A dangerous garden   

Inside northern England’s Alnwick Garden lies a curious, highly-guarded area where the last thing a visitor will want to do is tiptoe through the tulips. Surrounded by a heavy iron fence, the Poison Garden showcases over 100 of the world’s most deadly plants. In addition to not touching the plants, tourists are also advised to avoid even smelling the plants, as the fumes from certain plants have caused a few visitors to faint.


Текст B - 3. Useful garden space 

A rain garden is an attractive landscaped area placed in a lawn to take advantage of large amounts of rainwater. Rain gardens slow the movement of rainwater, allowing the nutrients contained in rainwater to soak back into the soil, and prevent soil erosion. Not only do these garden areas provide a lot of benefits for a garden, attracting birds, butterflies and bees, they are also very beautiful. 


Текст C - 7. National strategy 

During World War II, the U.S. government encouraged citizens to grow their own fruit and vegetables in “victory gardens” to help to prevent a food shortage, as much of the nation’s food supply was diverted to the military. The United States was home to approximately 20 million victory gardens in the early 1940s, and it is estimated that these gardens accounted for 30 to 40 % of all vegetables in the U.S. 


Текст D - 1. Farming in a city 

Urban agriculture is a broad term that refers to agricultural practice taking place in a densely populated area, such as towns or large suburbs. Although urban agriculture typically does not occur on the same large scale as rural agriculture, it includes the same variety of activities. For example, a person who lives in a town and keeps a chicken coop in his or her front lawn is taking part in urban agriculture.


Текст E - 8. The globe’s favourite flower 

The rose is the most popular flower in the U.S. and in the world, according to the National Gardening Association. It is grown all over the world, and it is the most popular flower given as a gift. Flower experts speculate thet the rose’s popularity stems from its wide variety of colours, sizes and fragrances. It is used to symbolize love, beauty, war, peace and politics. There are approximately 150 rose species in the world.


Текст F - 2. A fortune for a flower 

When the tulip was imported to Holland from Turkey in the late 16th century, the Dutch enthusiasm for the flower caused a dramatic price inflation that crashed in the end. It created an economic depression that had a long-lasting impact on the Dutch economy during the 17th century. Prices for tulips had become so great that a single bulb could sell for more than a working-class person would take home in a year.


Текст G - 4. Development of farming  

People need to eat, and agriculture provides almost all of the food people demand. It also allows a small group of people to produce enough food for many more. Through the years, agriculture has become more and more efficient, and only a small percentage of the world’s population works in the agricultural sector. Hybrid seeds and selective breeding mean that modern yields are far larger than ever before.

Ответ: 5371824

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