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Английский язык

Задача по теме: "Понимание основного содержания текста"

Английский язык
Задание 10 Понимание основного содержания текста
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Вербицкая М.В. Английский язык единый государственный экзамен. — Москва: Издательство "Национальное образование", 2023. — 368 с. Материалы публикуются в учебных целях

текст 10.7

  1. Growing flowers is the activity and craft of growing plants, with a goal of creating a wonderful and amazing world around. Growing flowers is an admiration for many people, a dream for so many and a full time job for some others who grow flower gardens for commercial purposes. The process of growing flowers requires a lot of patience, love and care, but the amazing result is worth trying. Growing a flower garden in particular is an exciting adventure indeed. 


  1. Many flowers have descriptive names or derive their names from ancient legends. For example, when squeezed, the blossom of the snapdragon looks like a dragon opening its jaws. The narcissus is named for the Greek myth of Narcissus and Echo. NamesofFlowers.net features alphabetized lists of flower names. The website also provides subgroups of flowers such as tropical, spring, summer and wedding flowers, and also alphabetized lists of flowers by colour categories.


  1. The purpose of a flower is to attract pollinators to a plant so that the plant creates seeds. Bright colours, strong scents and sweet nectar all work together to attract birds, bees, ants, flies and other insects to move pollen from one flower to another. In some parts of the world small mammals and lizards also function as pollinators. The particular colour, pattern or scent of a flower attracts the appropriate pollinators. Some flowers produce pollen that is carried by the wind to other flowers.


  1. Flowers are a great gift idea for loved ones, and it has never been easier to buy flowers for friends and family, near and far, thanks to a large number of online delivery services. Whether a person is wishing someone a happy birthday, sending sympathy or celebrating a big life moment like the birth of a baby or a wedding engagement, there are plenty of floral arrangement options to choose from online. Most online floral companies organize their arrangements by category.


  1. Most flowers bloom in spring or summer. The specific timing of each bloom depends on the weather pattern in each area. Local florists or gardens are good sources of information on the blooming patterns of certain flowers in any particular climate. A number of online guides to flowers and plant life in different cities and parks are available to those interested in observing the local trends. Generally, spring-blooming flowers are a welcome sight as they mark the arrival of warm weather.


  1. Some good flowering indoor plants include orchids, desert cacti and peace lilies. Orchids are the most popular blooming houseplant. There are thousands of varieties and hybrids of orchids, including those in every colour of the rainbow. Orchids need a moderate amount of watering and re-bloom, making it a long-lasting plant. Peace lilies are another option with folded white flowers and glossy green leaves. It is a tropical plant that does well with some warmth and humidity indoors.


  1. Not only are flowers beautiful additions to our homes, weddings and special events, they also have different meanings attached to them. Flower language is the art of flower symbolism. Floriography is another name for the language of flowers. Within the art of floriography, every flower carries its own special meaning according to its variety and colour. Some flowers even take on a new meaning dependent on the number gifted, for example, a single red rose denotes “love at first sight”.   


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.   


1. What’s in a name?  

2. A hobby for people 

3. Beautiful inhabitants 

4. Creating beauty isn’t easy 

5. What does it mean? 

6. Shopping for flowers 

7. An important function 

8. The best flower period 



Правильный ответ - 4176835       


Текст A - 4. Creating beauty isn’t easy  

Growing flowers is the activity and craft of growing plants, with a goal of creating a wonderful and amazing world around. Growing flowers is an admiration for many people, a dream for so many and a full time job for some others who grow flower gardens for commercial purposes. The process of growing flowers requires a lot of patience, love and care, but the amazing result is worth trying. Growing a flower garden in particular is an exciting adventure indeed. 


Текст B - 1. What’s in a name? 

Many flowers have descriptive names or derive their names from ancient legends. For example, when squeezed, the blossom of the snapdragon looks like a dragon opening its jaws. The narcissus is named for the Greek myth of Narcissus and Echo. NamesofFlowers.net features alphabetized lists of flower names. The website also provides subgroups of flowers such as tropical, spring, summer and wedding flowers, and also alphabetized lists of flowers by colour categories.


Текст C - 7. An important function 

The purpose of a flower is to attract pollinators to a plant so that the plant creates seeds. Bright colours, strong scents and sweet nectar all work together to attract birds, bees, ants, flies and other insects to move pollen from one flower to another. In some parts of the world small mammals and lizards also function as pollinators. The particular colour, pattern or scent of a flower attracts the appropriate pollinators. Some flowers produce pollen that is carried by the wind to other flowers.


Текст D - 6. Shopping for flowers 

Flowers are a great gift idea for loved ones, and it has never been easier to buy flowers for friends and family, near and far, thanks to a large number of online delivery services. Whether a person is wishing someone a happy birthday, sending sympathy or celebrating a big life moment like the birth of a baby or a wedding engagement, there are plenty of floral arrangement options to choose from online. Most online floral companies organize their arrangements by category.


Текст E - 8. The best flower period

Most flowers bloom in spring or summer. The specific timing of each bloom depends on the weather pattern in each area. Local florists or gardens are good sources of information on the blooming patterns of certain flowers in any particular climate. A number of online guides to flowers and plant life in different cities and parks are available to those interested in observing the local trends. Generally, spring-blooming flowers are a welcome sight as they mark the arrival of warm weather. 


Текст F - 3. Beautiful inhabitants 

Some good flowering indoor plants include orchids, desert cacti and peace lilies. Orchids are the most popular blooming houseplant. There are thousands of varieties and hybrids of orchids, including those in every colour of the rainbow. Orchids need a moderate amount of watering and re-bloom, making it a long-lasting plant. Peace lilies are another option with folded white flowers and glossy green leaves. It is a tropical plant that does well with some warmth and humidity indoors. 


Текст G - 5. What does it mean?  

Not only are flowers beautiful additions to our homes, weddings and special events, they also have different meanings attached to them. Flower language is the art of flower symbolism. Floriography is another name for the language of flowers. Within the art of floriography, every flower carries its own special meaning according to its variety and colour. Some flowers even take on a new meaning dependent on the number gifted, for example, a single red rose denotes “love at first sight”.

Ответ: 4176835

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