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Английский язык

Задача по теме: "Понимание основного содержания текста"

Английский язык
Задание 10 Понимание основного содержания текста
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Вербицкая М.В. Английский язык единый государственный экзамен. — Москва: Издательство "Национальное образование", 2023. — 368 с. Материалы публикуются в учебных целях

текст 10.5

  1. The strongest sense for dogs is smell. In comparison to humans, dogs have almost 25% more scent receptors. As a result, dogs have an excellent sense of smell. Just as many as humans rely on their sense of sight to navigate, dogs rely on their sense of smell to understand and explore their surroundings. Dogs can smell scent about 100,000 times more acutely than humans. Because of their acute and accurate sense of smell, some breeds of dog are unique indeed. 


  1. The word “dog” refers to a species of animals within the canine family. Dogs typically live within households and are owned by people as pets or as working dogs, which makes them domestic for the most part. There are some very friendly dogs that are great for families with children of all ages. Since dogs can pick up scents that humans cannot detect, they are also valuable additions to law enforcements teams, where they perform activities like smelling for drugs and weapons. 


  1. While most dogs, by today’s standards, would be considered to be of the domestic variety, there are many different species of canines that live in the wild and are feral. Some examples of feral dogs are coyotes, wolves, jackals and dingoes. These feral species can be found throughout the world in some parts of North America, Africa, Asia and Europe. In some cases, these dogs are dangerous to human. Canines like wolves and coyotes are often a nuisance to farmers and livestock.


  1. Although pit bulls, German shepherds and rottweilers are often considered the most aggressive breeds of dog, any dog of any breed can be aggressive. Research shows that training and socialization are more important than breed in predicting aggression. According to the Smithsonian Institution, most researchers report that any puppy can grow into an aggressive dog in future. Dominance-based training methods are very often linked to increased aggressive behaviours. 


  1. While any dog breed or mix can be affectionate, some breeds, such as retrievers, have a reputation for being extra friendly. Other dogs like huskies require a little more interaction and attention in order to earn their affection, which gives them a less-affectionate reputation. All dogs require attention and the proper training and care. German shepherds, for example, are so caring and affectionate of their owners that they experience separation anxiety when left alone for too long. 


  1. Those who prefer small dogs often choose breeds, such as Spitz, Maltese and toy poodle, which all typically weigh less than 5 pounds. Many of these breeds are referred to as “toy” versions of a particular breed. Breeders selectively breed small or toy-sized dogs to create even smaller dogs that they classify as teacup size. The Yorkshire dogs, commonly known as Yorkies, were bred to be rat hunters. Even with their small stature, Yorkies may try to pick fights with larger dogs. 


  1. The most common criterion for measuring intelligence in dogs is how easy the dog is to train. Researchers look at how quickly the dog can figure out what the trainer is asking for, how likely the dog is to repeat the action, how many commands the dog can learn and how long it can retain a learned command without reinforcement. However, these results can be skewed by the different ways some breeds interact with people. The most intelligent breeds of dog are working breeds. 

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.   


1. Helpful indeed 

2. Most loving ones 

3. Outdoing the humans  

4. Little but not the least  

5. Testing IQ  

6. A true friend  

7. Distant relatives 

8. Becoming dangerous 



Правильный ответ - 3178245     


Текст A - 3. Outdoing the humans  

The strongest sense for dogs is smell. In comparison to humans, dogs have almost 25% more scent receptors. As a result, dogs have an excellent sense of smell. Just as many as humans rely on their sense of sight to navigate, dogs rely on their sense of smell to understand and explore their surroundings. Dogs can smell scent about 100,000 times more acutely than humans. Because of their acute and accurate sense of smell, some breeds of dog are unique indeed. 


Текст B - 1. Helpful indeed  

The word “dog” refers to a species of animals within the canine family. Dogs typically live within households and are owned by people as pets or as working dogs, which makes them domestic for the most part. There are some very friendly dogs that are great for families with children of all ages. Since dogs can pick up scents that humans cannot detect, they are also valuable additions to law enforcements teams, where they perform activities like smelling for drugs and weapons. 


Текст C - 7. Distant relatives

While most dogs, by today’s standards, would be considered to be of the domestic variety, there are many different species of canines that live in the wild and are feral. Some examples of feral dogs are coyotes, wolves, jackals and dingoes. These feral species can be found throughout the world in some parts of North America, Africa, Asia and Europe. In some cases, these dogs are dangerous to human. Canines like wolves and coyotes are often a nuisance to farmers and livestock.


Текст D - 8. Becoming dangerous 

Although pit bulls, German shepherds and rottweilers are often considered the most aggressive breeds of dog, any dog of any breed can be aggressive. Research shows that training and socialization are more important than breed in predicting aggression. According to the Smithsonian Institution, most researchers report that any puppy can grow into an aggressive dog in future. Dominance-based training methods are very often linked to increased aggressive behaviours. 


Текст E - 2. Most loving ones 

While any dog breed or mix can be affectionate, some breeds, such as retrievers, have a reputation for being extra friendly. Other dogs like huskies require a little more interaction and attention in order to earn their affection, which gives them a less-affectionate reputation. All dogs require attention and the proper training and care. German shepherds, for example, are so caring and affectionate of their owners that they experience separation anxiety when left alone for too long. 


Текст F - 4. Little but not the least  

Those who prefer small dogs often choose breeds, such as Spitz, Maltese and toy poodle, which all typically weigh less than 5 pounds. Many of these breeds are referred to as “toy” versions of a particular breed. Breeders selectively breed small or toy-sized dogs to create even smaller dogs that they classify as teacup size. The Yorkshire dogs, commonly known as Yorkies, were bred to be rat hunters. Even with their small stature, Yorkies may try to pick fights with larger dogs. 


Текст G - 5. Testing IQ  

The most common criterion for measuring intelligence in dogs is how easy the dog is to train. Researchers look at how quickly the dog can figure out what the trainer is asking for, how likely the dog is to repeat the action, how many commands the dog can learn and how long it can retain a learned command without reinforcement. However, these results can be skewed by the different ways some breeds interact with people. The most intelligent breeds of dog are working breeds. 

Ответ: 3178245

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