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Английский язык

Задача по теме: "Понимание основного содержания текста"

Английский язык
Задание 10 Понимание основного содержания текста
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Вербицкая М.В. Английский язык единый государственный экзамен. — Москва: Издательство "Национальное образование", 2023. — 368 с. Материалы публикуются в учебных целях

текст 10.4

  1. As you know not everything goes as planned in business, and somewhere along the line, someone might interfere with your work. Competitors change ane tactics the government makes new laws and regulations, suppliers run into their own issues and even natural disasters play their role in stopping the march of progress. A truly great leader is able to quickly adapt to these new situations and find a way around them, rather than give up or keep on going with the plan anyway.


  1. Being able to communicate effectively with people from different countries in various contexts is an important skill for anyone who wants to succeed in business. But communication isn’t always about saying the right thing. It also means that you are able to understand the feelings of your often multinational team, and keep the promises you make in those inspiring speeches. Letting you strengths shine through and showing confidence in the way you communicate is one of the most powerful tools a leader can use.


  1. Being responsible means being able to raise your hand and admit when you've done something wrong. It is never easy. When there is blame to be accepted for a business error, the leader must do it. But responsibility also means being able to reward and congratulate your employees. Spreading recognition and appreciation where appropriate can go a long way. When a business owner is able to accept blame and pass on congratulations to those who truly deserve it, a leader is born. 


  1. Being a true leader can be tough. There’s a balance between creating a successful strategy and supporting and making sure that others follow it. The politics and pressures associated with being in a leadership position can be wearing on a good day, and unbearable on a bad day. If you want to be an effective leader you should focus on the big picture and delegate smaller tasks to your team. Coping with difficult tasks helps a team to build confidence and enjoy working for you. 


  1. Courage is a changing thing, but incredibly important in a great leader. A leader needs to be able to stand alone and stand up for what they believe in. Having the courage to do what you believe will work is sometimes one of the hardest things to do. However, courage is not the only thing that matters. With courage also comes determination and patience. Together they make it possible for leaders to keep going along a difficult road and keep their head held high, no matter what the outcome is. 


  1. A good leader will often easily command the attention of an entire room, sometimes without even speaking. This level of presence is not something innate, something you just possess from birth. It's a quality that needs to be earned through the respect of your employees, working hard and being honest at every step of the journey. Acting distant or superior to employees is likely to cause dislike. Instead, a good leader can listen to their employees, talk on their level and gain their trust. 


  1. Leaders need to be able to influence other people through authentic and transparent communication. Apart from that leaders should continuously encourage others to live by the main company values and agree with business goals. And when it comes to real leaders, they exemplify the behaviours and characteristics that they encourage in their followers. They walk the walk and talk the talk. As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviours.  


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.   


1. Becoming a role-model 

2. Behaviour that matters 

3. Ready whatever happens 

4. Importance of flexibility 

5. Think big and share challenges 

6. More than words 

7. Not cream and peaches often multinational 

8. Two sides of the coin 



Правильный ответ - 4685321    


Текст A - 4. Importance of flexibility 

As you know not everything goes as planned in business, and somewhere along the line, someone might interfere with your work. Competitors change ane tactics the government makes new laws and regulations, suppliers run into their own issues and even natural disasters play their role in stopping the march of progress. A truly great leader is able to quickly adapt to these new situations and find a way around them, rather than give up or keep on going with the plan anyway.


Текст B - 6. More than words 

Being able to communicate effectively with people from different countries in various contexts is an important skill for anyone who wants to succeed in business. But communication isn’t always about saying the right thing. It also means that you are able to understand the feelings of your often multinational team, and keep the promises you make in those inspiring speeches. Letting you strengths shine through and showing confidence in the way you communicate is one of the most powerful tools a leader can use.


Текст C - 8. Two sides of the coin 

Being responsible means being able to raise your hand and admit when you've done something wrong. It is never easy. When there is blame to be accepted for a business error, the leader must do it. But responsibility also means being able to reward and congratulate your employees. Spreading recognition and appreciation where appropriate can go a long way. When a business owner is able to accept blame and pass on congratulations to those who truly deserve it, a leader is born. 


Текст D - 5. Think big and share challenges 

Being a true leader can be tough. There’s a balance between creating a successful strategy and supporting and making sure that others follow it. The politics and pressures associated with being in a leadership position can be wearing on a good day, and unbearable on a bad day. If you want to be an effective leader you should focus on the big picture and delegate smaller tasks to your team. Coping with difficult tasks helps a team to build confidence and enjoy working for you. 


Текст E - 3. Ready whatever happens 

Courage is a changing thing, but incredibly important in a great leader. A leader needs to be able to stand alone and stand up for what they believe in. Having the courage to do what you believe will work is sometimes one of the hardest things to do. However, courage is not the only thing that matters. With courage also comes determination and patience. Together they make it possible for leaders to keep going along a difficult road and keep their head held high, no matter what the outcome is. 


Текст F - 2. Behaviour that matters 

A good leader will often easily command the attention of an entire room, sometimes without even speaking. This level of presence is not something innate, something you just possess from birth. It's a quality that needs to be earned through the respect of your employees, working hard and being honest at every step of the journey. Acting distant or superior to employees is likely to cause dislike. Instead, a good leader can listen to their employees, talk on their level and gain their trust. 


Текст G - 1. Becoming a role-model 

Leaders need to be able to influence other people through authentic and transparent communication. Apart from that leaders should continuously encourage others to live by the main company values and agree with business goals. And when it comes to real leaders, they exemplify the behaviours and characteristics that they encourage in their followers. They walk the walk and talk the talk. As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviours.

Ответ: 4685321

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