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Английский язык

Задача по теме: "Понимание основного содержания текста"

Английский язык
Задание 10 Понимание основного содержания текста
За подсказку ты получишь лишь половину баллов
Вербицкая М.В. Английский язык единый государственный экзамен. — Москва: Издательство "Национальное образование", 2023. — 368 с. Материалы публикуются в учебных целях

текст 10.3

  1. As Joan Crawford once advised: “Care for your clothes like the good friends they are.” Something has definitely gone wrong if you find it easier to buy a new outfit in your lunch hour instead of going through a.pile of clothes on your floor for something that isn’t creased or dirty, or both. So take more time to organise your clothes and try storing winter and summer clothes separately. It helps calm the shopping panic and feel excited every time those old friends reappear again and again.


  1. Even if you’re never going to start making dresses from scratch, you can make your wardrobe better with little more than a YouTube tutorial and a hotel sewing kit. Clothes are sometime abandoned for the smallest of reasons, such as an uncomfortable neckline or a scratchy label. You shouldn’t be afraid of using the scissors. Learn a few basic skills and you can replace buttons and zips, patch up the worn-out leg of your best-loved jeans and restyle secondhand finds to fit you perfectly. 


  1. If you are fussy about wearing a stranger’s hand-me-downs, deadstock is a sustainable compromise. Usually, these are clothes that were never sold because of small defects or oversupply. Searching “deadstock” on sites such as Etsy and eBay will return great items from across the decades that might have been destined for the bin or burning. Likewise, clothes which are available for sale at a reduced price is a common sight in charity shops. If you care about our planet, give those extra items a loving home.


  1. Fashion has its negative effects both on our planet and on people. Who made our clothes? Which materials were used? Fashion brands begin to understand that people care about those things and sometimes share false information to present an environmentally responsible public image. Luckily, there are apps which help us to shop consciously. They have rated more than 2,000 brands on their treatment of people, the Planet and animals, providing an at-a-glance verdict from “great” to “avoid”. 


  1. The cheapest way to reduce one’s role in fashion negative effect on the environment is to stop buying. And yet for many of us, the simple idea of doing so is enough fo give us the shakes. I promised to buy nothing brand-new for a year, and documented the results in my book - but if a whole year is too difficult, start smaller. Challenge yourself to three months, or even just one. It takes time for your brain to break the cycle of positive emotions and feelings usually associated with buying a new fashionable outfit. 


  1. Just like deleting your ex’s number and blocking their social networks profile, a fast-fashion breakup involves admin. So go through your inbox and unsubscribe from all shopping emails — even those from the golfing supplies outlet you bought your uncle’s Christmas present from in 2012. Then, filter your social media feeds. Unfollow all the influencers whose pastel-hued grids exist to persuade you to buy things, and replace them with slow fashion supporters.


  1. Patience is a virtue and timing is everything, especially when it comes to an impulse purchase. There are brands that only make what customers want. By doing so, they minimise waste and manage their labour more effectively. Made-to-order fashion is the cure to fast fashion’s need for speed. Plus, it’s a good way to test your own loyalty to a trend. If you can’t wait a few weeks for that new outfit, maybe it wasn’t such a must-have after all. 


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.   


1. Arrange and order 

2. Do your homework 

3. Give it a second chance 

4. Recognise the real need 

5. Just stop shopping 

6. No longer in a mailing list 

7. Rescue the rejects 

8. Switch to pre-order 



Правильный ответ - 1372568   


Текст A - 1. Arrange and order 

As Joan Crawford once advised: “Care for your clothes like the good friends they are.” Something has definitely gone wrong if you find it easier to buy a new outfit in your lunch hour instead of going through a.pile of clothes on your floor for something that isn’t creased or dirty, or both. So take more time to organise your clothes and try storing winter and summer clothes separately. It helps calm the shopping panic and feel excited every time those old friends reappear again and again.


Текст B - 3. Give it a second chance 

Even if you’re never going to start making dresses from scratch, you can make your wardrobe better with little more than a YouTube tutorial and a hotel sewing kit. Clothes are sometime abandoned for the smallest of reasons, such as an uncomfortable neckline or a scratchy label. You shouldn’t be afraid of using the scissors. Learn a few basic skills and you can replace buttons and zips, patch up the worn-out leg of your best-loved jeans and restyle secondhand finds to fit you perfectly. 


Текст C - 7. Rescue the rejects 

If you are fussy about wearing a stranger’s hand-me-downs, deadstock is a sustainable compromise. Usually, these are clothes that were never sold because of small defects or oversupply. Searching “deadstock” on sites such as Etsy and eBay will return great items from across the decades that might have been destined for the bin or burning. Likewise, clothes which are available for sale at a reduced price is a common sight in charity shops. If you care about our planet, give those extra items a loving home.


Текст D - 2. Do your homework 

Fashion has its negative effects both on our planet and on people. Who made our clothes? Which materials were used? Fashion brands begin to understand that people care about those things and sometimes share false information to present an environmentally responsible public image. Luckily, there are apps which help us to shop consciously. They have rated more than 2,000 brands on their treatment of people, the Planet and animals, providing an at-a-glance verdict from “great” to “avoid”. 


Текст E - 5. Just stop shopping 

The cheapest way to reduce one’s role in fashion negative effect on the environment is to stop buying. And yet for many of us, the simple idea of doing so is enough fo give us the shakes. I promised to buy nothing brand-new for a year, and documented the results in my book - but if a whole year is too difficult, start smaller. Challenge yourself to three months, or even just one. It takes time for your brain to break the cycle of positive emotions and feelings usually associated with buying a new fashionable outfit. 


Текст F - 6. No longer in a mailing list 

Just like deleting your ex’s number and blocking their social networks profile, a fast-fashion breakup involves admin. So go through your inbox and unsubscribe from all shopping emails — even those from the golfing supplies outlet you bought your uncle’s Christmas present from in 2012. Then, filter your social media feeds. Unfollow all the influencers whose pastel-hued grids exist to persuade you to buy things, and replace them with slow fashion supporters.


Текст G - 8. Switch to pre-order  

Patience is a virtue and timing is everything, especially when it comes to an impulse purchase. There are brands that only make what customers want. By doing so, they minimise waste and manage their labour more effectively. Made-to-order fashion is the cure to fast fashion’s need for speed. Plus, it’s a good way to test your own loyalty to a trend. If you can’t wait a few weeks for that new outfit, maybe it wasn’t such a must-have after all.

Ответ: 1372568

На экзамене это задание принесло бы тебе 2/2 баллов.
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